Overwhelmed by Faculty Responsibilities?
Get the Support You Need to Thrive with 1-1 Coaching

Gain the clarity and strategies you need to navigate the overwhelming demands of faculty life, prioritize your most valuable work, and align your time and energy for maximum productivity.

Do you find yourself juggling multiple projects, unsure where to start, and overwhelmed by the sheer volume of work?

It's not uncommon to feel this way!

The struggle to find clarity can be a major roadblock to feeling confident and to reaching your goals.

Lack of a clear starting point can lead to stress and anxiety.

The pressure to excel in all areas can be daunting.

Time spent on teaching and service leaves little room for research, which is the primary currency of academia.

No matter how much you do, there is always more to be done.

Imagine if ...
you could wake up each morning with a clear sense of direction and purpose. 

Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the multitude of tasks and projects on your plate, you would have a well-defined plan that prioritizes your work effectively.

With a well-organized list, you could approach each day knowing exactly what needs your attention, eliminating the stress of constantly juggling multiple responsibilities. 

Envision having time and energy to focus on the areas that truly matter to you. You could strike a balance between your teaching and your other responsibilities.

This vision is not out of reach. By gaining the clarity and support needed, you can confidently navigate the challenges of being a faculty member. Embrace the possibility of a more organized and fulfilling professional life, where your time is spent purposefully and your confidence soars.
You don't have to just imagine it!

Feeling overwhelmed by the multitude of faculty responsibilities is common.

The good news is that it doesn't have to feel like this.

Working closely together, we can identify your goals, streamline your task and project list, and establish a clear roadmap for success.

With this focused approach, you can confidently navigate your work, knowing you are prioritizing effectively and maximizing your potential.
From Chaos to Clarity: Your Personal Path to Success

A one-on-one coaching experience designed to provide you with the clarity, focus, and accountability you need to conquer your goals and thrive in your faculty role.

I made this program to help faculty who were struggling just like I used to.

Hi there! I'm Kimberly, Faculty Success Coach, and I want to share my story with you. I created From Chaos to Clarity to support early career faculty who often find themselves overwhelmed by the numerous tasks and projects they have to juggle. I've been in your shoes, feeling lost and unsure about where to start. That's why I designed this program - to provide the clarity and support I wish I had when I was starting out.

The early days...

I remember the feeling of stepping into my new faculty role, excited about the opportunity to make a difference in students' lives. However, I quickly realized that being a faculty member involved much more than just teaching. Research, committee work, advising students, and administrative responsibilities started piling up, leaving me feeling scattered and overwhelmed. I knew there had to be a better way.

Finding my way from Chaos to Clarity...

My quest for a solution led me on a journey of self-discovery and learning. I attended workshops, sought guidance from mentors, and devoured countless books on time management and productivity, and I even conducted research on the faculty experience! Slowly but surely, I began to piece together a framework that helped me prioritize my tasks and projects with clarity and confidence.

Eventually I sought out a coach, and up-leveled everything I'd been doing - because I had someone helping me create systems and strategies that specific to me and my situation.

The Power of Support and Clarity

Through my work as a faculty success coach, I have witnessed the transformative power of providing support and clarity to early career faculty. The feedback I receive from my clients has been overwhelmingly positive. They have shared stories of increased confidence, improved productivity, and a greater sense of fulfillment in their work.

From Chaos to Clarity is more than just a coaching program. It's the culmination of my own experiences, research, and training. I understand the challenges you face, and I am here to support you on your journey towards finding clarity and confidence in your work. I can help you navigate the complexities of faculty life and create a fulfilling and impactful career. Let's embark on this transformative journey together!


This is for you if..

You feel overwhelmed by the mountain of things to do.

You'd love it if you could sit down with someone to review your heap of obligations and help you gain perspective on what to prioritize.

You want to develop effective time management strategies to balance teaching, research and service.

You'd love a healthy work-life balance.

Chaos to Clarity Includes

Four 1-1 sessions. 

Receive individualized support and guidance through four one-on-one coaching sessions with an experienced faculty success coach. 

We'll work together to design strategies and solutions tailored to your specific needs, allowing you to overcome challenges and make significant progress in your career.

A Private Coaching Portal 

Access a private portal where you can revisit session recordings, review notes, and access additional resources to support your ongoing growth and development. 


Enjoy the convenience of having all the materials at your fingertips, allowing you to reinforce your learning and continue making progress at your own pace.

3 months of Asynchronous Coaching

Personalized Guidance at Your Convenience I'll provide you with comprehensive support through robust asynchronous coaching. With this bonus, you can reach out to me when it's convenient for you. I'll usually respond within a few hours. 

Say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed and hello to a clear path towards success.

Community of like-minded Faculty

Join our vibrant community of faculty members who are all on a similar journey. 

Engage in meaningful discussions, share experiences, and build valuable connections with people who understand the unique challenges and triumphs you face. 

This supportive network will inspire and motivate you throughout your career.

Move from Chaos to Clarity

Discover how to identify the tasks and projects that will have the greatest impact on your success as a faculty member so that you can gain a clear understanding of where to focus your time and energy, allowing you to work more efficiently and confidently.

Here's what else you'll get

With this transformative program, you can expect to experience numerous benefits that will help you regain control and achieve success in your academic career.

Clarity in Goal Setting: Gain a clear understanding of your professional goals and aspirations. 

Streamlined Prioritization: I'll help you develop effective techniques to prioritize tasks, enabling you to focus on what truly matters and make progress in your career. 

Enhanced Time Management: Say goodbye to wondering how to spend your time. Implement time management strategies tailored to you, empowering you to allocate your time in ways that align with your goals.

 Accountability and Support: Tackling the challenges of academia can be isolating, but with a coach, you'll never feel alone. I'll provide support and encouragement while holding you accountable for your goals.

 Increased Confidence: As you gain clarity and achieve tangible results, your confidence as a faculty member will soar. You'll feel more empowered to navigate the challenges that come your way.

Here's what a couple clients have to say...
Move From Chaos to Clarity for just $370!
Here's what you'll get In
From Chaos to Clarity

Identify your most valuable, important work

Gain clarity around where to focus your time and energy 

Align your calendar to your priorities 

4 one-on-one sessions 

Lifetime access to my Facebook community 

Lifetime access to private portal with session recordings & notes

  • Is the coaching package personalized to each individual's specific needs and goals?
    Yes. Coaching is completely customized to you! We'll begin each session with setting an agenda for the session - you get to decide how we spend our time. We close out each session deciding follow-up steps to the session and with an accountability plan.
  • Can you provide information about the qualifications and experience of the coach delivering this program?
    Hi! I'm Dr. Kimberly J. Hale. I've got over 120 hours of coach training focused on higher education. The program is accredited by the International Coaching Federation.

    I've also been studying working and learning in higher education for over a decade. You can check out my CV here: kimberlyjhale.com/research
  • How does the coaching package help with prioritizing tasks and projects?
    This isn't a one-size-fits-all program. I know your situation is different from mine and anyone else I've coached.

    That's why I partner with you instead of telling you what to do. We'll work together to identify your priorities and how to best reach your goals - based on your individual needs.
Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to start in your faculty career? Are you struggling to balance all. the. things?

Here are five opportunities waiting for you when you address these challenges:

Gain clarity and focus: Our 1-1 coaching package will help you prioritize your tasks and projects, allowing you to focus on what truly matters in your faculty career. 

Boost confidence: By providing you with the support and guidance you need, our coaching program will help you feel more confident in your abilities as a faculty member. 

Increase productivity: With a clear plan and the right strategies in place, you'll be able to make the most of your time and accomplish more in your daily work. 

Enhance your career prospects: By prioritizing your tasks effectively, you'll have more time to invest in research and other career-building activities, ultimately improving your chances for advancement. 

Achieve work-life balance: With a better handle on your workload, you'll be able to create a healthier balance between your professional responsibilities and personal life.

Don't miss out on these opportunities to transform your faculty career. Sign up today and start experiencing the benefits right away.
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the myriad of tasks and responsibilities that come with being a faculty member?

With Getting Started - From Chaos to Clarity, you will receive individualized coaching sessions tailored to your specific needs. Together, we will create a roadmap that aligns with your goals, breaks down overwhelming tasks into manageable steps, and helps you prioritize your time effectively. I will provide guidance, support, and accountability every step of the way, ensuring that you stay on track towards your desired outcomes.

It's time to regain control and find clarity amidst the chaos.

From Chaos to Clarity for Faculty$370

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  • Total payment
  • 1xFrom Chaos to Clarity for Faculty$370

All prices in USD
